How to travel from Brussels to Bruges

Planning a trip from Brussels to Bruges, two of Belgium’s most captivating cities, is straightforward and easy. After all, it’s probably the most traveled route for tourists visiting Belgium. This comprehensive guide delves into the various ways to travel from Brussels to Bruges, providing detailed information on train, bus and car travels as well as guided tours to Bruges.

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Brussels to Bruges

Train from Brussels to Bruges: Your fastest choice

For those seeking the fastest and most convenient way to travel from Brussels to Bruges, trains are the best option, offering a seamless and comfortable travel experience.

Departure Stations and Travel Times

Trains depart from all major Brussels railway stations including: Brussels-Zaventem Airport, Brussels-North, Brussels-Central Station, and Brussels South Station. The journey time ranges from 55 minutes to 1h08, depending on the departure station.


Trains generally operate with a frequency of every 20-30 minutes, ensuring flexible departure times for travelers.


Fares for a single journey between Brussels and Bruges start from €16 for adults and €7.10 for youth (under 26). An additional airport fee of €6.40 is applied when traveling from Brussels-Zaventem Airport.

Discounts & offers

Whilst the standard ticket fares might not exactly be cheap, there are a few ways to save money on your ticket fares. For example, when traveling in group or when you’re planning to do multiple journeys by train, look into the multi-rail pass which can be shared.

  • During the weekends, return tickets are 50% off
  • A standard multi rail pass costs 87€, is valid for 10 journeys and can be shared
  • A youth multi rail pass costs 57€, is valid for 10 journeys and can be shared
  • A youth holiday pass costs 18€, is valid for one week and is available during school holidays

Tickets and Additional Information

Tickets can be purchased online through NMBS/SNCB’s website or at the vending machines located at the railway stations.

Bus from Brussels to Bruges: The cheapest alternative

For budget-conscious travelers, buses offer an affordable alternative to trains. FlixBus provides direct bus services from Brussels South (Gare du Midi) and Brussels-North Station to Bruges. Travel times vary between 1h20 and 1h55, depending on the time of day.

In Flanders, busses are normally operated by it’s local transport company “De Lijn”. However these busses are meant for local transport, complementing the railroad connections. Traveling from Brussels to Bruges with a bus from “De Lijn” would take several hours. Therefore Flixbus offers a much faster and still a very affordable alternative.

FlixBus Fares and Luggage Restrictions

FlixBus fares start from as low as €6, making them an attractive option for those seeking a cost-effective way to travel. Luggage restrictions apply, with passengers allowed one hand luggage item (7 kg; 42×30×18 cm) and one hold luggage item (20 kg; 80×50×30 cm). Additional fees apply for larger or extra luggage.

Driving: A Flexible Option

Those seeking the flexibility of self-paced travel may opt to drive from Brussels to Bruges. The distance between Brussels and Bruges is approx 100km. Therefore journey by car takes about 1h30, depending on the traffic. But let’s make one thing clear, you really don’t need to rent a car to visit Bruges. In fact, it will be more of a hassle then convenience.

Route and Traffic Considerations

From Brussels, take the A10/E40 motorway. Be mindful of potential traffic congestion during rush hour.

Parking Options

Please keep in mind that the historical centre of Bruges is mostly a car-free zone. Therefore parking in Bruges can be quite expensive and restricted in time. Consider using Park&Ride car parks outside the city center and taking public transport for the final leg of your journey.

Guided Day Trips from Brussels to Bruges

It’s also possible to book a guided day trip to Bruges. Many of these organised tours include a visit to the beautiful city of Ghent as well, since it’s on the way to Bruges. This is a perfect option for both solo travelers as well as groups who don’t have much time and want to see as much as possible during a single day trip. Prices generally start around 45€ per person.

All information in this article has been manually checked and confirmed for it’s accuracy.

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