How to Travel from Paris to Brussels

Are you planning a journey from the romantic streets of Paris to Brussels, the heart of Belgium? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with all the information you need to make your trip as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Best Way to Travel from Paris to Brussels

Travel optionTravel TimeCostProsCons
Train1 hour 22 minutes€35 – €150Fastest and most convenient option, with frequent departuresMore expensive than bus
Bus3 hours 55 minutes€19 – €35Cheapest optionLonger travel time
Car3 hours€50 – €100 (including fuel and tolls)Most flexible option, allowing you to stop and explore along the wayMore expensive than bus or train, and can be stressful to drive in unfamiliar cities
Plane1 hour 5 minutes (excluding check-in and security)€110 – €380Check-in and airport security takes a lot of time. It’s also the most expensive and environment unfriendly option

Trains from Paris to Brussels: Eurostar or TGV?

There are 2 companies running high speed trains connecting France with Belgium: Eurostar and TGV (by SNCF).

  • Eurostar (formerly Thalys) runs 2 trains every hour connecting Paris with Brussels. Tickets prices start at 29€ if you book more then a month in advance, up to 103€ for last minute bookings.
  • TGV runs only a couple of trains a day on this traject. Ticket prices start as low as 25€ if you book in advance, up to 115€.

Excitingly, since June 2022, the high-speed trains have become even faster, completing the journey between the two capitals in a mere 1 hour and 22 minutes, reducing travel time by a whole hour. Due to the popularity of this connection, it is highly recommended to book your tickets several weeks in advance to secure your spot.

Here are some tips for traveling from Paris to Brussels by train:

  • Book your tickets in advance, especially if you are traveling during peak season.
  • Arrive at the train station early, especially if you are traveling on a busy day.
  • Be aware of the different types of train tickets available. Thalys tickets are more expensive, but they offer the fastest journey times.
  • If you are traveling with luggage, be sure to check the luggage restrictions for the train company you are traveling with.

Flights from Paris to Brussels

Brussels Airlines offers flights from Paris – Ch. de Gaulle airport to Brussels-Zaventem airport. Whilst the flight time of 1u05 is shorter then taking the train, it will be a slower option since you have to go through airport security and travel from the airport to your final destination.

Bus from Paris to Brussels

If you prefer a budget-friendly option, consider taking a bus from Paris to Brussels. Flixbus offers comfortable buses connecting these two cities, with average ticket prices hovering around 30€. You can potentially secure even cheaper tickets by booking in advance or taking advantage of promotional offers. Paris boasts 9 Flixbus hubs, with the Bercy-Seine bus station being the most popular and convenient choice for city center departures. In Brussels, you’ll find 4 Flixbus stops, providing various options for your arrival.

Here are some tips for traveling from Paris to Brussels by bus:

  • Book your tickets in advance, especially if you are traveling during peak season.
  • Arrive at the bus stop early, especially if you are traveling on a busy day.
  • Be sure to check the luggage restrictions for the bus company you are traveling with.
  • Bring a book or something else to entertain yourself during the journey.

Drive from Paris to Brussels by Car

For travelers who cherish flexibility and scenic routes, driving from Paris to Brussels is an enticing option. The driving distance spans just over 300 kilometers (approximately 190 miles), a journey that can be comfortably completed in around 3.5 hours. However, bear in mind that city-to-city travel may consume additional time due to traffic congestion. Both Paris and Brussels have implemented low emission zones, so ensure you comply with any environmental regulations during your drive.


Traveling from Paris to Brussels is easy and convenient, with a variety of travel options to choose from. The best way to travel depends on your budget, time constraints, and preferences. If you are looking for the fastest and most convenient option, then the train is the best choice. If you are on a tight budget, then the bus is a good option. And if you want the flexibility to stop and explore along the way, then driving is the best option.

Travel from Paris to Brussels

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